The Evangelical Rectory

The building of the Evangelical parish was originally a manor house of the local House of Sirmiensis. Its floor plan (in the shape of an inverted letter F) resembles the name of its owner Frantisek Sirmiensis. The manor was bought by the Evangelical Church from Ludovit Sirmiensis after Frantisek’s death in 1825. They turned it into a rectory. Until then, the Evangelical priest used a wooden rectory, which became a school after the priest moved to a new rectory. Zuzana Prievidzka was born at the Evangelical rectory in Sulov on the 15th of April in 1766. Her father Samuel Prievidzky worked as a priest in Sulov at that time. She was mother of Karol Kuzmany (1806-1866), who was Evangelical priest, bishop, writer and co-founder of the Matica slovenska. Jan Filipca (1893-1917) lived at the rectory together with his mother Bozena Filipcova when she became a widow. Bozena was evangelical priest’s (Miloslav Krizan) wife’s sister. Jan Filipca was a co-founder of the student secret association Mor ho! and a contributor to the student magazine Pucky. Jews were hidden in the rectory during the time when the priest Ondrej Pecka worked there. The part of the building from the main entrance towards the garden was demolished in 1963. The roof was supported and the house foundations were lifted. The priest’s apartment was re-built. The work continued also the following year. The building underwent a general remodulation at the time of service of the priest Anna Durcova, born Surkova, in 1986. A spacious choir hall was created from two rooms. The State District Municipal School in Sulov was located in these two rooms in 1947. There were no other suitable premises in the village. The antiquity of the building is proved by strong stone walls and preserved vaults in the cellar.

zdroj: Vlastný výskum autorky textu M. Kerešovej.

Evanjelický kostol s farou v 50-tych rokoch 20. storočia
Križan Ján, Zrodená medzi skalami, Ametyst, 2010

Vyzdobená fara na privítanie nového kňaza Ondreja Pecku vo februári 1942
Križan Ján, Zrodená medzi skalami, Ametyst, 2010