Nature transferred to the coat of arms

The current coat of arms is based on the historical designs of the coats of arms of both villages. The coat of arms of Sulov had developed from the coat of arms of the House of Sirmiensis. There was a rocky hilltop with three peaks, the sun and a human face in it. Hradna had an ornamentally stylized flower in its coat of arms. It was one of the rare blossoms which decorated the park around the local Manor. The coat of arms of the village Sulov-Hradna is based on the local natural environment. Therefore, it is one of the most beautiful village coats of arms in Slovakia.

zdroj: Vlastný výskum autorky textu M. Kerešovej.

Obecný erb
Obec Súľov-Hradná

Sádrový odliatok dobovej pečate Súľova
foto M. Martinický

Sádrový odliatok dobovej pečate Hradnej
foto M. Martinický