Jozef Kosar

He was born on the 24th of April in 1910 in Pokrikov, Czechia. He came to Hradna as a teacher on the 4th of September 1929. After a two-year break, Jozef with his wife Emilia returned to Hradna on the 1st of Septemeber in 1932. Their daughter was born on the 7th of January 1936 in Hradna. However, she died right after she was born. She is buried at the local cemetery. Her little grave has an iron enclosure. Jozef Kosar is an author of a poem about the Manor in Hradna. He also took first photographs of Hradna, interior and exterior of the school and the pupils. Several memories of him have been preserved, for example: local residents remember as Jozef Kosar could see the Inn of Stefan Bosko from the school. Therefore, he was watching the children as they were going home. If they did not walk properly, he whistled and the children had to return to school and leave again. He thought children Morse code. Jozef Kosar could do any work, also he helped with the regulation of Hradnianka in 1930. He was transferred to the school in Bytca on the 1st of September 1937. The residents of Hradna found it difficult to bear. They demanded his return to Hradna but unsuccessfully. He stayed in touch with some residents. Jozef Kosar returned to Hradna in 1983. However, he did not come as a teacher but as a friend.

zdroj: Vlastný výskum autorky textu M. Kerešovej

Jozef Kosář s manželkou a zástupcom richtára Štefanom Boškom na brehu regulovanej Hradnianky
Školská kronika

Jozef Kosář so žiakmi
Školská kronika