The Flowers of the Rocks

Local foliage is plentiful thanks to calcareous character of subsoil. The Sulov Rocks are the area where two main directions of vegetation stream meet – the Carpathian and Pannonian. Due to this fact there is multiplied diversity of vegetation. The various microclimatic conditions of the area have allowed settlement of thermophilic Pannonian plant species on sunny, south-oriented rocks. The representatives of Carpathian flora grow in colder, shadowed rock walls and nooks. The so called flower of the sweet-lady (Gentiana clusii) and mountain cowslip (Primula auricula) belong among the mountain plant species blooming in spring. The Latin name of this Primula is due to the leathery consistency of its leaves with their irregular shape, in particular the auricula means earlobe. Both plant species are called dealpines – the species, which relegated from high mountains to lower unglaciated areas in the Ice Ages. They found suitable living conditions and have remained there to nowadays. They are very decorative during time of blooming in the spring. It is impossible to overlook them. Dianthus praecox is also noticeable, however only attentive visitor will notice tiny yellow whitlow-grass (Draba aizoidens). The dominant grass of non-forest communities is Sesleria albicans. Thermophilic Pannonian plant species such as blue fescue (Festuca pallens), Inula ensifolia and branched St Bernard’s -lily (Anthericum ramosum) prefer warm locality. The shadbush (Amelachier ovalies) requires lighter areas.

NCH_Tabuľa-2_Kvety skál
vlastné foto Jana Smatanová

Horec Clusiov (Gentiana clusii)
vlastné foto Monika Smatanová

Prvosienka holá (Primula auricula)
vlastné foto Monika Smatanová

Klinček včasný (Dianthus praecox)
vlastné foto Monika Smatanová

Ostrevka vápnomilná (Sesleria albicans)
vlastné foto Monika Smatanová

Jagavka konáristá (Anthericum ramosum)

Kvety skál

Muchovník vajcovitý (Amelanchier ovalis)
vlastne foto MS