Jozef Miloslav Hurban in Sulov

A significant Slovak nationalist, evangelical priest, writer and publisher – Jozef Miloslav Hurban (1817-1888) visited Sulov several times. He had personal reasons for that. Terezia Zuzana - his only blood sister lived here. She was born on the 17th of March in 1814. She got married to local evangelical priest Karol Zarnovicky on the 7th of December 1836 in Sulov. They had six daughters. The first recorded visit in Sulov from August 1843 is documented by Hurban himself. He wrote about it in his travelogue A walk through the world of Povazie: “I was at home in Sulov because my sister – the only friend of mine, who remained after our dead parents, welcomed me with a warm feeling.” Hurban’s description of the Sulov nature in his travelogue is nine pages long. It is one of the most beautiful descriptions of the Sulov Rocks, which he called Slovak Thermopylae. Hurban went to many hiking tours in the area. Thus, he spent several days in Sulov. Hurban’s second documented stay in Sulov is from the 13th of May in 1848. Hurban was returning to home from his meeting of the Tatrin association in Liptovsky Mikulas and stopped on his way in Sulov. Pavol Sajanek, a churchman from the parish in Hlboke, was already waiting for him in order to warn him not to go back home. Therefore, Hurban left Sulov to Moravia next morning. Jan Tinko, a churchman from Sulov, accompanied him on his way through mountains. He came to his brother-in-law Daniel Svoboda in Rusava on the 15th of May. Hurban had been in Sulov the next winter (1849/1850). Terezia’s husband remembers that after his visit, his wife felt very depressed for several days. She was not able to eat or sleep. If she had been allowed to, she would have gone to her brother. Hurban’s sister Terezia Zarnovicka died on the 1st of January in 1858, due to pneumonia during the flu pandemic. She was only 44 years old. It can be assumed, Hurban attended her funeral in Sulov.

zdroj: Vlastný výskum autorky textu M. Kerešovej

Záznam o úmrtí Hurbanovej sestry Terézie Žarnovickej 1. 1. 1858 v Súľove
Úmrtná matrika Evanjelického a. v. cirkevného zboru v Súľove-Hradnej