The origin of the name

A well-known rock formation of The owl and the owlet almost identically depicts a statuary of an own with an owlet in the relaxation area in the center of the village. Also, it recalls an antient legend, which Matthias Bel mentioned in his book about Trencin County. The legend tells about Lords of the Sulov, who gave two unusually big owls nesting in the rocks as an annual tax to the King. They were able to catch hares and thinner foxes thanks to their size and strength. This large own still nests in the Sulov Rocks, it is the Eurasian eagle-owl. The village Sulov got its name from an abbreviated form of Sovilov (OwlHunting) because the owls were hunted here. The village Hradna derives its name from the fact that it was located on the border of donated area or according to the fact that it belonged to the castle.

zdroj: Vlastný výskum autorky textu M. Kerešovej.

Súsošie Sova a sovička v centre obce
foto M. Kerešová