The Evangelical church

The Evangelical congress from Sulov is one of the oldest congregations of Evangelical parishes in Slovakia. The Evangelical church in Sulov, which was built in 1750, had originally a resemblance of a hall prayer house without a sacristy and a tower because the bell tower was not allowed to be part of the building. The tower was built to the church in 1815, and it was decorated with a sundial. A major reconstruction in the years 1906-1907 changed the appearance of the interior and exterior of the church to such an extent that it completely lost its ancient character. The church was rebuilt in late classicism style. It has a rectangular floor plan and a wooden ceiling. The interior is surrounded by a wooden protestant emporium – a choir, from three sides. There is a picture of Christ on the cross from 1907 in the altar architecture. There are statues of apostles Peter and Paul on the sides. A Latin inscription has been preserved on the inner wall. It describes the great flood of the 2nd of June in 1754. There was an oratory above the inscription. It was a special place for lairds. It was built in 1752, and was accessible by a separate entrance. Zuzana Pongracova’s epitaph, which was transferred from the Catholic church, also hung on this wall. One bell and organ whistles were requisitioned during the First World War. A bell from 1818 remained in the tower. Its crown consists of six arms. The arms of bells are often made in the form of mythological figures. The arms of the bell crown from 1818 have the shape of Indians faces. In 1935, two bells were purchased from the Evangelical church from Podluzany, and a damaged ceiling was repaired. Rieger brand organ no. 334 was bought from the Evangelical Church in Trnava in 1949. In 1968, the interior plaster was trimmed and the pulpit was removed. Moreover, the preaching site was placed above the altar, which was lowered for this purpose. Since the church was repaired in 1990, the pulpit has stood next to the altar. The inscriptions above the main and side entrances, “See, the house of God with people” and “the House of Prayer”, date to 1953. There is a crypt with the remains of the patrons of the Church under the church. It was renovated in 1845. It is inaccessible today. The territorial scope of the Evangelical Church gradually narrowed, Zilina became independent in 1901 and Rajec in 1955. The rocks reminiscent religious events, in addition to churches. They say that the earl Balasa, during a trip along the Sulov Rocks, try to persuade a Sulov laird to convert to the Catholic faith, pointing out to the benefits he would gain. Mr. Sirmiensis replied, "It's not possible because this rock keeps telling us - Don't do it!", while he was pointing to a rock called Luther. The Evangelical church has become a national heritage site in 2011.

zdroj: Vlastný výskum autorky textu M. Kerešovej.

Evanjelický kostol v roku 1936
Obecná kronika

Kostol v 70-tych rokoch 20. storočia
Obec Súľov-Hradná

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foto J. Tešedík