Inverted relief

Panorama of the Sulov Rocks, surrounding the Sulov basin, opens in front of the observer. The mountain cliff relief is in high contrast with the round upland surface of the valley. Such formed landscape is a result of the very specific process. A huge mountain ridge was originally at the place of today’s basin. Over time, dynamic activity of erosion on the surface exposed softer Mesozoic rocks, such as marl and shale, in the center. These were less resistant to external conditions than conglomerates, therefore the erosion was even more intense. This process significantly deepened the valley. Only conglomerates have left from the massive ridge. This is called inverted relief and the created landscape is called coombe. The Sulov Rocks area is a beautiful example of this phenomena, which is unique in our country.

NCH_Tabuľa-10_Inverzia reliéfu
foto Jana Smatanová (CHKO)

Panoráma skál obklopujúcich Súľovskú kotlinu
vlastné foto Monika Smatanová

Pamoráma Súľovská kotlina (v pozadí Maníny)
vlastné foto Vladimír Ruček

Schematický profil Súľovskej brachyštruktúry (I. Šalaga,1974)
vlastne foto MS